DDEV and Craft CMS Quick-Start Guide

Introduction to DDEV and Craft CMS

In this series of videos, we'll install and configure DDEV to easily localhost PHP applications like Craft CMS.

I’ve used many local devel­op­ment tools over the years, from hand-rolled with sys­tem soft­ware, MAMP, and Valet. They all have their advan­tages but for going from con­fig­u­ra­tion to cod­ing, DDEV is one of the best avail­able. In this series, we will cov­er how to install, con­fig­ure, and use DDEV for Craft CMS development.

What is DDEV?

Before we jump in, let’s talk a lit­tle about DDEV, so there’s no con­fu­sion on how it works, and most impor­tant­ly, how it is dif­fer­ent from oth­er local devel­op­ment tools. 

You’re prob­a­bly watch­ing this because you’ve used a myr­i­ad of oth­er tools dur­ing your web devel­op­ment career. Was it MAMP? Valet? WAMP? Hand-rolled? 

Whichev­er it is, DDEV is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent because of the com­bi­na­tion of flex­i­bil­i­ty and the sol­id base

DDEV is a Dock­er-based local devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment tool. The biggest sell­ing point of DDEV is that it great­ly sim­pli­fies the instal­la­tion and man­age­ment of your projects using Docker. 

Maybe hear­ing the word Dock­er” kicks off a bead of sweat on your brow, or the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. It’s under­stand­able; on its own, Dock­er can be dif­fi­cult to set­up and get working. 

DDEV tries to sim­pli­fy using Dock­er, with built-in tool­ing that han­dles all of the hard parts. 

In short, I think it’s a supe­ri­or devel­op­er expe­ri­ence than you’d get else­where with Docker.

I use DDEV for some of my own projects (includ­ing almost all of my client projects), because I know I can reli­ably spin up the project at a moment’s notice.

Dock­er Desktop

Dock­er Desk­top (or a suit­able replace­ment per the DDEV offi­cial doc­u­men­ta­tion) is required before you can use DDEV. Since DDEV is a Dock­er-based local devel­op­ment tool, you need to have the Dock­er engine run­ning. Dock­er Desk­top for macOS (Intel or Apple Sil­i­con) or Win­dows makes this very simple. 

To down­load Dock­er Desk­top, vis­it the Dock­er Desk­top prod­uct page, and you should see down­load options for your cur­rent oper­at­ing system.

Once you have Dock­er Desk­top installed, launch it and give it a few min­utes to start up. After that, you are ready to move on to the next step!